By | July 4, 2023

KCMUCo Online Application Forms

KCMUCo Online Application/Admission2024/2025.  Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College (KCMUCo)is hereby inviting Applications for various Postgraduate Degree Programmes, Undergraduate Courses, Certificate and Diploma Courses for the academic year 2024/2025. All applications are processed online through the KCMC  Website.

Student Registration Instructions & Signup Instructions

   Step: 1      Create an Account

Use your institute registration Number to sign up
For new Students (Click here the Link that says “Get Your Reg Number” Above) and use that registration number to sign up

Password Instructions

You are required to use Strong Passwords. Password must contain at least one uppercase letter, at least one lowercase letter, at least one Numeric Digit, and at least one Special Symbol like ($,%,*,-,+,=,! ..).
e.g. joHn**2014 is a strong password combination and is accepted by the system.
e.g. Henry–KHZ19 is also a strong password combination.
e.g. nation is a weak password. the system will deny sign-up with this password

   Step: 2      Personal Background Information

   Step: 3      Login

   Step: 4      Registration Instructions & T/Fee Payments -:

   NB: Help and Support Instructions

See Also: Kilimanjaro Christian Medical College (KCMUCo) Courses Offered