By | May 19, 2022

Kyambogo University Faculty of Vocational Studies

Kyambogo University Faculty of Vocational Studies – Read details below:


In pursuance of the mission of the university of advancing and promoting knowledge and development of skills in science, technology and education and in such other fields having regard to quality, equity, progress and transformation of society,  the Faculty of Vocational Studies is guided by a number of  strategic goals which include to:

1) provide programmes in Vocational disciplines relevant to societal needs;

2) increase technological awareness and innovations;

3) enhance transfer of technology to individuals and the community;

4) produce sufficient numbers of teachers and other personnel in vocational disciplines;

5) conduct research and publish in areas of vocational studies; and,

6) enhance research and application of vocational pedagogy.

Accordingly, as the demand for vocational courses increases, the Faculty has positioned itself to confront the challenges head through specifically developing academic programmes in vocational studies, promoting technological awareness and innovations for transfer to individuals and the community for development, training teachers of vocational subjects for schools and colleges, cultivating diligence and respect for work and the spirit of education for work in all occupations; and conducting research and publishing especially in the area of agriculture, human nutrition and dietetics, home Economics, art and design among others. Currently, the faculty is offering 19 programmes at certificates, diploma, bachelors and graduate levels. In fact, the faculty boosts of well qualified staff in diverse areas as exemplified by the number of Associate Professors.

The faculty is also well placed to provide leadership and tutelage to the recently launched Skilling Uganda programme including those privately run vocational institutions in the country by building capacity and competence of both the graduates and non-graduates as well as providing employable skills to those lacking formal employment hence immensely contributing to national development goals.

Therefore, in the realisation of this dream, the faculty is actively engaged in research, graduate training and supervision as well as publishing. Moreover, to keep pace with the requirements of the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE), most of the staff has enrolled for higher degrees especially PhD and more new programmes will soon be launched to keep pace with the demands.