By | July 8, 2019

Lira University Admission List for the Academic Year

Government Sponsorship Undergraduate Admissions List

The Admission list for Government sponsored students for A ‘ Level Applicants for the Academic Year was released by the Public Universities Joint Admissions Board. Please see the list attached below for names of candidates admitted to Undergraduate courses at Lira University.

Attached Document:

Admission Letters can be picked from the Admissions Office in Public Health Block between 8:00 am and 5: 00 pm. Online applications in all the Academic Programmes are still ongoing up to 10th July, and appeals should be submitted to the Admissions Office in writing and Clearly addressed to the Academic Registrar before 20th of July.

NOTE: Sample fees schedule has been provided below which is to serve as a guide to newly admitted applicants

Attached Documents:

Check the documents below for the released list of successfully admitted applicants for the 2019/2020 academic year;

Sample fees schedule

CodeProgrammeStudy TimeDuration(UGX for East African Nationals)(US$ for International Students)
LSMBachelor of Science in MidwiferyWeekdays4 years1,545,6001,995
PHLBachelor of Science in Public HealthWeekdays3 years1,545,6001,995
LCSBachelor of Science in Computer ScienceWeekdays3 years1,449,0001,870
LCDBachelor of CommerceWeekdays3 years1,288,0001,660
LCWBachelor of CommerceWeekends3 years1,288,0001,660
LBGBachelor of Business AdministrationWeekdays3 years1,046,5001,365
LBWBachelor of Business AdministrationWeekends3 years1,046,5001,365
LPABachelor of Public AdministrationWeekdays3 years885,5001,155
LPWBachelor of Public AdministrationWeekends3 years885,5001,155
LCPBachelor of Science in Community
Psychology and Psychotherapy
Weekdays3 years966,0001,995
LADBachelor of Science in Accounting
and Finance
Weekdays3 years1,046,5001,660
CEDBachelor of Computer EducationWeekdays3 years1,449,0001,870
ECDBachelor of Science in EconomicsWeekdays3 years1,250,0001,660
ECWBachelor of
Science in
Weekend3 years1,250,0001,660
EPYBachelor of Science with Education (Physical Sciences)Weekdays3 years1,449,0001,870
EBIBachelor of Science with Education (Biological Sciences)Weekdays3 years1,449,0001,870
EAGBachelor of Science with Education (Agriculture Double Main)Weekdays3 years1,449,0001,870
EECBachelor of Science with Education (Economics)Weekdays3 years1,449,0001,870
EMBAExecutive Master of Business
Weekends2 years1,610,0001,660
MPHMaster of Public HealthWeekend2 years2,500,0001,880
MPAMMaster of Arts in Public Administration and ManagementWeekend2 years1,610,0001,660

Contact Us

For support and assistance concerning the released list, use the contact information below;

P.O Box 1035
Lira, Uganda
Telephone: +256-471-660714