By | November 26, 2019

Teaching colleges provide classes to help prepare people to teach at various levels. These may include elementary, middle and secondary school levels, as well as special education, adult education, vocational education, or English as a second language.

Where to study Teaching Courses In Uganda?

National Teachers College, Kaliro

National Teachers College, Mubende

National Teachers College, Muni

National Teachers College, Unyama

National Teachers College, Kabale

Nile Vocational Institute (NVI)

Kyambogo University Faculty Of Education

Uganda Martyrs University Faculty of Education

Kampala University School Of Education

Uganda Christian University Faculty of Education and Arts

University of Kisubi Faculty of Education

Islamic University In Uganda Faculty Of Education

Ndejje University Faculty of Education

Luigi Giussani Institute of Higher Education

Makerere University School of Education

Gulu University Faculty of Education and Humanities

Kabale University Faculty of Education

What is teacher education program?

Teacher Preparation Certification Program A teacher preparation program is designed to prepare both undergraduate and graduate students to become licensed teachers. Programs can offer students specialized coursework in the grade level and subjects they are interested in teaching.

How long is a teacher education program?

A typical teacher education program is set up to be completed in four years.

What are the types of teacher education?

Teacher Education Programmes (5 Types)

  • Pre-primary Teacher Education
  • Primary Teacher Education
  • Secondary Teacher Education
  • Higher Education
  • Vocational Teachers/Training

What qualifications do you need to become a teacher?

Steps to Becoming a Teacher

  • Earn a Bachelor’s Degree. All states require K-12 public school teachers to have at least a bachelor’s degree.
  • Engage in Student Teaching. Gaining classroom experience is a must for teachers.
  • Get Certified or Licensed.
  • Continue With Higher Education.

Can you become a teacher online?

Most often, you will need to enroll in an accredited teacher preparation, or Pre-Education degree program. Those that need additional flexibility can become a teacher online with an online teaching degree that does not require in-person student teaching.
