By | January 10, 2020

Recruiting and retaining the best people to meet MOGAS Group business requirements. Deploying our people and ensuring proper skills utilization so as to meet our client’s needs. Growing our people skills, knowledge and experience in order to satisfy customer requirements and our people’s career aspirations. Motivate our people to be committed and loyal to MOGAS Group and build an employee brand for current and past associates.

MOGAS Group employment policies provide for appropriate, consistent and fair methods of meeting our strategic objectives that support mobility across the different business units throughout the Group.

We recruit high caliber staff to serve customers and the business needs of the organization. Our approach is professional and fair. At MOGAS Group we embrace the principles of equity to ensure a bias-free employee selection and retention process. We do not discriminate on grounds of color, creed, race, ethnicity, sex, disability, religion or marital status.

When looking for an opportunity to join our team, the careers page is now in place for you to log onto. You will then find the current jobs vacancies advertised; that we currently have that will give you the opportunity to join our dedicated and dynamic team. Join us and we will open your world! MOGAS Group employs more than 300 staff members and currently maintains seven (7) Operating Companies (OpCos).

MOGAS Group employs more than 300 staff members and currently maintains seven (7) Operating Companies (OpCos). We are looking for people who are willing to make a difference. If you are well qualified to promote change and can demonstrate competences in relevant areas of MOGAS, we encourage you to apply.

How to Apply for Maestro Oil and Gas Solutions (MOGAS) Vacancies

Apply for Maestro Oil and Gas Solutions (MOGAS) Vacancies

Contact details


  • MOGAS Uganda Limited
    94 – 100  Jinja Road, Banda,
    P.O. Box 19 Kampala,
  • +256 752 741 750