By | July 14, 2023

Massana College of Nursing Available Courses Offered

Massana College of Nursing started operating in November  2005 as part of the improvement of MHS-Massana Hospital health facilities. It is a private institution that was founded by the late Prof.R.S.M Lema (MD,MMED(O/G)FBRH).

 It is an upcoming vibrant college that is offering nursing courses both at the diploma and certificate level. It has qualified tutors to enable the college to produce nurses who are efficient and competent in their profession to safeguard lives. 

The College is registered by the National Council for Technical Education (NACTE), with full registration No REG/HAS/099, which is the registering board for all technical institutions.


  • The college has teachers who are well-experienced and possess good academic backgrounds.
  •  Massana College of Nursing has good infrastructure to enhance good teaching and learning.
  • The College is well organized in terms of staff punctuality.
  •  Good communication among students and staff is one thing that makes a good name Massana
  •  The college offers hostels for citizen and noncitizen students.
  •  Massana is an international College due to having big number of students from outside the country.
  • The College offers nursing education in cost effective compared to other institutions.