Muhimbili University of Health And Allied Sciences (MUHAS) Grading System

Muhimbili University of Health And Allied Sciences (MUHAS) 2023/2024 Grading System
Weight of each component in the final assessment of the programme The total examination marks and grades shall be as shown in the Table below.
Letter grade A B+ B C D
Percent 75-100 70-74 60-69 49-59 0-49
Grade Point (GP) 4.4-5.0 3.5-4.3 2.7-3.4 2.0-2.6 0-1.9
A = Excellent; B+ = Very Good; B = Good; C = Marginal Failure, and D = Failure.
Grade Point Average (GPA) will be calculated at the end of the semester and audit year to facilitate decisions making on disposal. The GPA is obtained by dividing the sum of the product of grade point (GP) and credit (C) for each course by the sum of the credits (C) from each of the courses offered during the audit year.
For example:
Course Credit (C) Score Grade point (GP) GPxC GPA=∑ (GP x C)/∑C=326.7/90= 3.63 which is truncated to 3.6 (note that there is no rounding-off when you truncate).
See Also:
Muhimbili University of Health And Allied Sciences (MUHAS) Courses Offered
Muhimbili University of Health And Allied Sciences (MUHAS) Entry Requirements
Muhimbili University of Health And Allied Sciences (MUHAS) Application Deadline
Muhimbili University of Health And Allied Sciences (MUHAS) Application Forms
Muhimbili University of Health And Allied Sciences (MUHAS) Fee Structure