By | June 25, 2019

Nkumba University (NKU) Admission

Applications for Masters Programmes can be submitted before the beginning of every semester (August or February).
Applications for PhD By research and thesis can be submitted twice a year (either before August or February).

Undergraduate Admission requirements

Presently, there are three avenues of entry to the University. These are: The Direct Entry Scheme, The Diploma Holders Entry Scheme and the Mature Age Entry Scheme. These guidelines are in line with National Council for Higher Education (NCHE).

Degree Courses

Direct Entry Scheme
i) At least 5 passes at Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) obtained at the same sitting or its equivalent;
ii) At least 2 principal passes at Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) obtained at the same sitting or its equivalent.

Diploma holders
A good diploma from a recognized institution as determined by the University Senate.

Mature age Entry
i) The applicant should be 25 years of age and above;
ii) Must have passed mature age entry examinations organized by the National Council for Higher Education.

i) A certificate obtained after 2 years of post UCE study;
ii) Any equivalent qualifications besides UCE and UACE.
Diploma courses
i) A Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) with a minimum of 5 passes obtained at the same sitting or its equivalent
ii) Uganda Advanced Level Certificate (UACE) with at least one Principal Pass, and 2 subsidiary passes obtained at the same sitting or its equivalent.
iii) A certificate obtained after 2 years of post UCE study from a recognized institution;
iv) Any equivalent Certificate besides UCE and UACE from a recognized institution.

Nkumba University May Intake

Nkumba University Application Forms

Nkumba University Courses Offered

Nkumba University Undergraduate Admission

Nkumba University Certificate Admission

Nkumba University Postgraduate Admission

Nkumba University Admission Requirements

Nkumba University Admission Scheme

Nkumba University Fees Structure

Nkumba University Online Application

Nkumba University Contact Details