By | February 13, 2020

The Comboni Fathers of Mbuya Parish founded St. Kizito SS Bugolobi in 1997.

For the first three years, the Management Committee of St. Kizito Primary School offered to be the care-taker Board of Governors.

 In 2000, a new Board of Governors was inaugurated with the principal aim of totally over seeing the management of the school.

The new Board was given the mission statement of the school, which was reformulated as to provide quality affordable holistic education and thereby improve services to the community, promoting and inculcating social-religious, ethics & morals into the students.

School Curriculum

The school curriculum has been expanded and eighteen subjects are taught with eight of them compulsory at U.C.E. We follow the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) syllabus.

General over view of Ugandan curriculum (O & A level)

  • Secondary Education aims at linking the learner with what has been provided at the Primary level, while preparing them for self-employment, direct entry into the job market, specific vocational training or continue their education along an academic track.
  • At St.Kizito there are 8 core subjects on the O’ level secondary curriculum namely:
    English or sign language, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, CRE, Geography and History.
  • There are also value and skills based subjects which are electives, these include:
  • Literature in English ,Physical education, Art, Agriculture, Home Economics, Clothing and Textiles, Commerce and French
  • The ‘A’ level curriculum involves studying a maximum of three principal subjects, one subsidiary and General paper.
  • The principle subjects include: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, History, Geography, Economics, Christian Religious Education, Literature in English, and Art.
  • The subsidiary subjects include: Subsidiary Mathematics and Subsidiary ICT.

Behaviour Change Programme (BCP)

We have a Behaviour Change Program besides academics which is compulsory to all new entrants. This is one of our most inspiring Life Saving Programme initiated in 1998 to curb the spread of HIV among youths. It is conducted by a team of experienced counsellors from Youth Alive Uganda, Holy Cross Ministries, Fr. Luzindana St. Kizito teachers.

It is held at the end of every term for all the students and for S.1 and S.5 during orientation week. This program attempts to prepare students for a worthy and appreciable future. The orientation week for new students has become the schools check point, critical for behaviour control where students are helped to journey towards a personal and common definite goal.

A student is trained to make right choices in life, since today many students lack proper guidance due to the prevailing conditions especially employment and the new technological advancement which exposes the young to many immoral activities. The school has embarked on this new approach to moral and character formation to considerably improve students’ behaviour within and outside school.

This programme focuses on HIV prevention among young people. Information required by a young person to make effective decision is emphasized. Workshops are organized separately for senior one and five students. It takes three to five days depending on the number of students. The participants are made to know that no change can occur without basic belief. The need to change, capacity to change and the presence of God to uphold change is entailed in the program.

Testing of STDs, including HIV, is conducted on the final day of the programme.

Contact details

P.O. Box 6562
Old Port bell Road
Bugolobi Kampala 256 Uganda
