Uganda National Teacher Training Colleges
There are several National Teacher Training Colleges in Uganda. Below are all academic courses details , admission requirements or cut off points Admission Fees and online application For all National Teacher Training Colleges in Uganda
National Teachers College, Kabale
National Teachers College, Kabale Is A School In Uganda. This School Is Located In Kirigime Parish, Kabale Southern Subcounty, Kabale District Of Uganda.
Murambate Kaganzi Donozio orikwenda kwesimba nka mayor wa Kabura Town Council nashaba tukoreere omumushana ahabwo ‘buringaniza, namazima aha bw’oburungyi n’entunguka ya mwizi Kabura town council.
Youth councillor Mwizi sub-county with support from SPOSA SACCO, as part of their corporate social responsibility activity awards HALF BURSARIES to orphans and vulnerable secondary school students from S.1 to S.6.
Name: National Teachers College, Kabale
Parish: KABALE
Phone: Email For Inquiries
National Teachers College, Kaliro
P.O Box 65
National Teachers College, Mubende
Welcome to National Teachers’ College Mubende. This a Specialised Vocational Teacher training institution.
Location: Bakijulula LC I, Kisekende Parish, South Division, Mubende Municipality, Mubende district, Uganda East Africa.
Courses Offered
Its 100 Miles from Kampala City, along FortPort highway.
1.Ownership: Property of the Government of Uganda
2.Mandate: To train Secondary Teachers at Diploma level, in service Primary teachers upgrading to diploma level and any other courses developed by the institution and approved by the National Council for Higher Education in Uganda.
3. Courses offered to secondary school teacher trainees: Dip. Business Studies, Dip. Art & Design, Dip. Agriculture, Dip. Music (music, dance & drama)
4. Courses offered to in service grade III primary teachers: All science, arts and vocational courses.
5. Computer studies: these are open to both primary and secondary teachers
6. Students’ sponsorship: there is government sponsorship through Joint Admission Board (JAB) and private sponsorships.
NB: Diploma in Primary Education is for only private sponsorship.
7. It is affiliated to Kyambogo University
8. Its under the Ministry of Education & Sports.
Name: National Teachers College, Mubende
Phone: Email For Inquiries
National Teachers College, Muni
National Teachers College Muni (in short NTC Muni) located in Arua, Uganda is one of formerly ten, now five NTCs in Uganda offering diplomas awarded by Kyambogo University for both initial and in-service teacher trainees.
At the end of the course, the trainees are awarded a Diploma in Education Secondary (DES) of Kyambogo University. The diploma in education in primary (DEP) is a three year course offered to in-service teachers but is only secondary to DES
Admission Process
Admissions to the college follow the regulations of Kyambogo University. The minimum requirement for admission is “A” Level Certificate with the following grades: Arts (2 Principal Passes in Teaching Subjects, 1 Subsidiary), Sciences (1 Principal Pass, 1 Subsidiary) and Technological Studies (Craft II Certificate).
At the end of the course, the trainees are awarded a Diploma in Education Secondary (DES) of Kyambogo University. The diploma in education in primary (DEP) is a three year course offered to in-service teachers but is only secondary to DES.
Entry Requirement
The minimum requirement for admission is a qualification for Grade III and other professional qualifications such as Craft II. The trainees are awarded a Diploma in Education (DEP) of Kyambogo University.
National Teachers College, Unyama
P.O.Box 541,
Kyambogo University Faculty Of Education
Uganda Martyrs University Faculty of Education
Kampala University School Of Education
Uganda Christian University Faculty of Education and Arts
University of Kisubi Faculty of Education
Islamic University In Uganda Faculty Of Education
Ndejje University Faculty of Education
Luigi Giussani Institute of Higher Education
Makerere University School of Education
Gulu University Faculty of Education and Humanities
Kabale University Faculty of Education