By | February 11, 2020

UTC – KI was started as resettlement camp for veterans after 2nd World War in 1947 as a junior Commercial Technical School offering courses of typing, tailoring and brickwork. During the period 1950 – 1955, it was elevated to a Technical School offering four year Junior Technical Certificate (JTC) courses in brickwork, blacksmiths, woodwork, boat and yacht building.

Courses Offered at Uganda Technical College Kichwamba

National Diploma Programmes

National Diploma in Civil Engineering (NDCE)

National Diploma in Electrical Engineering (NDEE)

National Diploma in Water Engineering (NDWE)

National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering( ODM)

National Diploma in Architecture  (NDA)

National Diploma in Information Communication Technology (NDICT)

Proposed Certificate programmes

Brick Laying and Concrete Practice (BCP)

Carpentry and Joinery (C& J)

Electrical Installation

Welding and Metal Fabrications (WMF)

Motor Vehicle Technicians (MVT)

Agricultural Engineering Mechanics (AEM)


Brick Laying and Concrete Practice (BCP)

Carpentry and Joinery (C& J)

Electrical Installation

Tailor Made programme Computer Applications (CA)

Higher Diploma Programmes (Future Programmes)

Higher Diploma in Civil Engineering (HDCE)

Higher Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (HDME)

Higher Diploma in Electrical Engineering( HDEE)

How to Apply to Uganda Technical College Kichwamba


Higher Diploma: At least a credit or Upper Second Class Diploma in the relevant field of study.

National Diploma: One Principal Pass at A’ Level in either Mathematics or Physics and two subsidiaries one of which should be in either mathematics or phys-ics obtained at the same year of sitting examinations. For those up grading should have a minimum credit of Advanced craft course and two years experience after advanced course in the relevant field.

Certificate: Ordinary level certificate (UCE) with credits in Mathematics, physics, English among others.


1.Download the Application Forms here and Upgraders’ Application form here.

2. Fill the Application Form

3. Make payments for the Application Forms  using a cash deposit slip of the respective  bank (53,000/=)  at any of the following bank below;

Stanbic bank Fort-portal branch on A/C No.  9030005625377 or

Housing Finance Bank Fort-portal branch on A/C No. 1330003394

4. Attach your Academic documents together with payment slips from the bank.

5. Send the above to the Academic Registrar’s Office.

Contact details

Uganda Technical College – Kichwamba

14 km on the Fort portal – Bundibugyo highway, Kabarole district.

+256 483 425 577