UNEB Latest News

UNEB Latest News 2023/2024
The Uganda National Examinations Board ( UNEB) reminds Heads of Centers, Parents, and Candidates that the last phase of late registration for the 2023 candidates ends on Monday, July 31, 2023.* Any learners who intend to register for the 2023 PLE, UCE, and UACE Examinations should do so before the midnight Hour of July 31.
Thereafter, there will be no opportunity to register 2023 candidates. Let’s ensure that no learner is left out. Registration during this phase attracts a surcharge of 100% of the original set fees of 34,000/= for PLE, 164,000= for UCE, and 186,000= for UACE.
So anyone registering now will have to pay twice the amount. Heads of Centres are also reminded to give candidates an opportunity to cross-check the correctness of the data uploaded on the portal and make the necessary amendments.
Amendments made by July 31st will be free of charge.
Candidates should look out for correctness of names, Date of Birth, Gender, schools of choice, subjects registered for, and resolution of the picture. Jennifer Kalule-Musamba, Principal PRO, UNEB.
For more information and inquiries, you can contact the UNEB by visiting the institution’s official website: https://uneb.ac.ug OR
TEL: +256 414 286635/6/7/8| uneb@uneb.ac.ug
See Also:
UNEB Online Scouting Application Forms
UNEB Marking Application Form pdf
Check UNEB Results [PLE, UACE, UCE]
UNEB e-Services [Verification, Payments, Equating, Inspection]
Check UNEB Results via SMS or Online [Guide]
FAQ: Replace your UNEB Certificate or Slip