By | June 21, 2019

Sol Plaatje University Prospectus

Sol Plaatje University Prospectus gives more information on the courses offered, entry requirements. application forms, closing dates, how to apply and more. This page contains hieglihgts of the prospectus information. you can download the prospectus at the end of this page for details.

Important SPU Application Information

Sol Plaatje University Application Procedure

Sol Plaatje University Application  Dates

Sol Plaatje University Application Admission Requirements


The requirements are based on the results that applicants achieve in the South African National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations.

Applicants who hold certificates from a different examination system will be considered individually for admission.

Note that if you satisfy the minimum admission requirements stated here, this does not automatically mean that you will be admitted to the study programme at SPU. The final decision on your admission will be based on your academic performance and the availability of space in the programme. The better your academic performance above this minimum, the better will be your chance of being admitted to study at SPU.2020


Applications for the 2023 academic year opened on Monday, 25 March 2023 and run until the end of September 2023.

Please complete the application form below and return it to us by handing it in at:

Sol Plaatje University, North Campus, Chapel Street, Kimberley

or by mail:  The University Registrar, Sol Plaatje University, Private Bag X5008, Kimberley, 8300

or by email: (remember to include a proof of payment).

Download the application forms (includes application for residence) below


Postgraduate application forms are available here


Download or read SPU prospectus for 2023 academic year below;

Download [514.05 KB]

See the prospectus for other South African universities below;

Cape Peninsula University of Technology CPUT Prospectus

Durban University of Technology DUT Prospectus

Mangosuthu University of Technology MUT Prospectus

Nelson Mandela University NMU Prospectus

North-West University NWU Prospectus

Rhodes University RU Prospectus

Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Prospectus

Stellenbosch University US Prospectus

Tshwane University of Technology TUT Prospectus

University of Cape Town UCT Prospectus

University of Fort Hare UFH Prospectus

University of Johannesburg UJ Prospectus

University of KwaZulu-Natal UKZN Prospectus

University of Limpopo UL Prospectus

University of Pretoria UP Prospectus

University of South Africa UNISA Prospectus

University of the Free State UFS Prospectus

University of the Western Cape UWC Prospectus

University of the Witwatersrand WITS Prospectus

University of Zululand Unizulu Prospectus

Vaal University of Technology VUT Prospectus

Walter Sisulu University WSU Prospectus

Mpumalanga University Prospectus

University Of Venda Prospectus