By | June 21, 2019

University of Pretoria (UP) Prospectus For 2023/2024

The University of Pretoria (UP) is a diverse and dynamic university community comprising students from all over the world. It has nine faculties

(Education; Humanities; Economic and Management Sciences; Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology; Law; Natural and Agricultural Sciences; Theology and Religion; Veterinary Science and Health Sciences) and the Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS).

The University of Pretoria’s degrees are internationally recognised and are structured similarly to those of the world’s best universities. A number of support departments at the University help ensure that all staff and student activities, spread over six campuses, are executed with the necessary quality, relevance, diversity and sustainability.

Useful UP Application Information

UP Important Application Dates

How to Apply to UP

UP Admission Requirements

UP Residences | Accommodation

Applying To Study At UP

Minimum admission requirements

To be able to register, National Senior Certificate (NSC)/IEB*/Cambridge candidates must comply with the minimum requirements for degree studies, as well as with the minimum requirements for the relevant programme.

The calculation of an Admission Point Score (APS) is based on a candidate’s achievement in any SIX recognised NSC 20-credit subjects by using the NSC seven-point rating scale. Life Orientation is a 10-credit subject and may not be used for calculating the APS. Life Orientation is also not a faculty-specific subject requirement.

Non-South African citizens

Before non-South African citizens are allowed to register, they need to submit proof of their legal status in South Africa, as well as proof of adequate medical aid cover. Documents required must be emailed to Students must clearly state their student number on each page.

NOTE: University Of Pretoria Prospectus for 2023 is available for download

You can also read the prospectus online below;

Download [2.21 MB]

See the prospectus for other South African universities below;

Cape Peninsula University of Technology CPUT Prospectus

Central University of Technology CUT Prospectus

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Nelson Mandela University NMU Prospectus

North-West University NWU Prospectus

Rhodes University RU Prospectus

Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Prospectus

Stellenbosch University US Prospectus

Tshwane University of Technology TUT Prospectus

University of Cape Town UCT Prospectus

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Mpumalanga University Prospectus

Sol Plaatje University Prospectus

University Of Venda Prospectus