By | June 21, 2019

University of South Africa (UNISA) Prospectus

All applications for the second semester 2023 is now closed. Applications for 2023 will open around August 2023.

To accept or decline Unisa’s offer or check your application status, go to

Important UNISA Application Information

How to Apply to University of South Africa

University of South Africa Admission Requirements

University of South Africa Residences / Accommodation

Unisa’s Short Learning Programmes

Unisa’s Short Learning Programmes (SLPs) focus on “just in time” and “just enough” learning to meet a specific learning need to be identified by individuals, organisations or society at large. SLPs are offered by centres located within the different academic departments of Colleges. Programme content and contact details are contained in each programme. You may also direct enquiries to As part of a pilot project, only a select number of programmes will be able to apply online. Other programmes will be added in 2019.

Applications for Second Semester courses: 14 May 2023 – 10 July 2023
Registrations for Second Semester courses: 15 May 2023– 15 July 2023

You can apply online only for selected Short Learning Programmes, click here to download the list.

You can download 2023 UNISA Prospectus for reference.pdf

See the prospectus for other South African universities below;

Cape Peninsula University of Technology CPUT Prospectus

Central University of Technology CUT Prospectus

Durban University of Technology DUT Prospectus

Mangosuthu University of Technology MUT Prospectus

Nelson Mandela University NMU Prospectus

North-West University NWU Prospectus

Rhodes University RU Prospectus

Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Prospectus

Stellenbosch University US Prospectus

Tshwane University of Technology TUT Prospectus

University of Cape Town UCT Prospectus

University of Fort Hare UFH Prospectus

University of Johannesburg UJ Prospectus

University of KwaZulu-Natal UKZN Prospectus

University of Limpopo UL Prospectus

University of Pretoria UP Prospectus

University of the Free State UFS Prospectus

University of the Western Cape UWC Prospectus

University of the Witwatersrand WITS Prospectus

University of Zululand Unizulu Prospectus

Vaal University of Technology VUT Prospectus

Walter Sisulu University WSU Prospectus

Mpumalanga University Prospectus

Sol Plaatje University Prospectus

University Of Venda Prospectus