UNEB Research Officer-Reporting & Feedback (NAPE) Job Vacancy

Responsible to Senior Research Officer- Reporting & Feedback (NAPE)
Responsible for Ad-hoc data support staff
- Salary Scale EB 5
- Purpose of the Job
Carry out reporting and feedback dissemination activities.
- Main Duties and Responsibilities
- Extracting statistics from the analysis reports and entering them in respective pre-prepared dummy tables in readiness for interpretation and drafting of the report.
- Drafting reports of findings of assessment based on the correct interpretations of the statistics.
- Supervising the typesetting of reports, liaising with illustrators, and proofreading the typed versions until an error-free version of the report is achieved.
- Organizing stakeholders’ consultative fora for discussing and enriching the reports.
- Preparing feedback dissemination materials relevant to the selected key stakeholder groups.
- Packing and routing feedback dissemination materials using a packing list and designated routes.
- Issuing out feedback dissemination materials and receiving returns from feedback dissemination field activities using a pre-prepared checklist of items issued and the expected returns.
- Studying reports from the field on feedback dissemination and appraisal of facilitators and, compiling one comprehensive report out of them with appropriate recommendations.
- Keeping a record of materials received from the store for use during reporting activities such as scripts, computers, tablets, cameras, projectors, and bags, and ensuring that all are in safe custody.
- Key Performance Indicators
- Draft reports of findings compiled
- Fora for stakeholder’s discussion of reports organized
- Dissemination materials developed
- Record of dissemination materials packed, bagged, and routed.
- Feedback dissemination infographics
- Comprehensive reports on field feedback dissemination
- Summary appraisal report on feedback dissemination facilitators made
- Record of materials issued for feedback dissemination activities
- Record of returns from the field dissemination activities
- Key Decision Making
- Reporting/dissemination schedules and mode
- Reports format
- Appraisal recommendations of facilitators
- Records for keeping.
- Person Specifications
- Academic/Professional Qualifications
Hons Bachelor’s degree in Education majoring in Mathematics or Mathematics Education plus any other teaching subject
An Honours Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics with a PGDE.
An Honours Bachelor degree in Statistics
- Work Experience
At least 3 years of classroom teaching experience coupled with experience in educational assessment work related to conducting field administration of instruments at a large-scale survey level, with a reputable educational institution/organization.
- Skills/Competencies/Attributes
- Excellent data interpretation skills
- Good interpersonal relations and collaborative skills
- Word processing, spreadsheets, and database computer application
- Excellent organizational and communication skills
- Technical report writing skills.
- High degree of integrity and confidentiality.
Terms of Service: Permanent