Moshi Cooperative University (MOCU)

About Moshi Cooperative University (MOCU)
The history of the Moshi Co-operative University (MoCU) dates way back to 5th January 1963 when the then Co-operative College Moshi was established.
The College’s primary responsibility was the training of human resources in the co-operative sector under the then Ministry of Co-operatives and Community Development. The College was subsequently established through the Co-operative College Act No. 32 (Repealed) of 1964 as an autonomous institution with its own Governing Board.
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Moshi Cooperative University (MOCU) Entry Requirements
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Moshi Cooperative University (MOCU) Application Forms
Moshi Cooperative University (MOCU) Fee Structure
Moshi Cooperative University (MOCU) Postgraduate Courses
Moshi Cooperative University (MOCU) Students Login Portal
Moshi Cooperative University (MOCU) Admission Letter
Moshi Cooperative University (MOCU) Masters Fee Structure
Moshi Cooperative University (MOCU) Online Application
Moshi Cooperative University (MOCU) Postgraduate Online Application
Moshi Cooperative University (MOCU) Prospectus
Moshi Cooperative University (MOCU) Postgraduate Admission
Moshi Cooperative University (MOCU) Registration
Moshi Cooperative University (MOCU) Undergraduate Courses
P.O.Box 474
Sokoine Road, Moshi
Tel:+255 272 751 833
Fax:+255 272 750 806