Muni University Weighting System
The construction that was commissioned in June 2016 was funded by the World Bank through the African Development Bank (ADB) under the Higher Education, Science and Technology (HEST) project at the tune of US$ 2.6 Million US Dollars.
The Vice-Chancellor, Muni University, Professor Chritine Dranzoa appreciated the Ministry for waving off a number of conditions that could have hindered the youngest university from benefitting from the project.
“How beautiful the facility that you contributed to in the construction”, She said to the Contractors, Consultants and Muni University Staff.
“This is a home for all of you who have participated, I know most of you here are younger than me and you will send your children or grandchildren to study from here “,
She also expressed gratitude to the Government and appealed to the Ministry of Education and Sports to construct another similar building that can accommodate specialized laboratories for biomedicine and Virology.
She implored technical staff of Muni University to maintain the building and ensure that they “retool themselves by skilling themselves to manage the facility. She also implored the contractor to have effective work so that they are considered next time because the university has not yet reached its target of infrastructural development in terms of buildings.
The Principal Education Officer, Ministry of Education and Sports, Timothy Ssejjoba says despite having some issues that need to be rectified, he cannot deny that the contractor did a good job. He equally emphasized the need to maintain the building so that many Ugandans can have access to higher education.
The Project Manager Ms Coil Limited, Fred Bbale agreed that they will work on the remaining defects to ensure that the building is in an excellent state.
He says by August next year they expect the building to be operational therefore they will work tirelessly and fix any defects.
The Civil and Structural Engineer KK Partnership Limited, Nuladia Bukenya instructed the Contractor to ensure that the defects are rectified before it is officially handed over so that the five percent that is retained can be given. The Multi-Purpose Health Science building comprises of a fully equipped state of the art Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Science Laboratories.
See the Muni University Weighting System below in the image;

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