By | February 24, 2020

Key Responsibilities/Accountabilities

Output group 1*

Business growthOutputs and measures*

  • Drives TPL product alignment with customer value propositions (CVP’s) and the business operating model by deriving activities from the CVPs and sharing these with the various customer service teams for execution.
  • Conducts market assessments and prepares proposals (based on guidelines obtained in the products and pricing manual) for new TPL products and services – obtains approval and then implements new TPL products/services.
  • Prepares proposals to amend pricing and presents proposals to the Country Product Pricing Committee for approval. Oversees the correct implementation of pricing decisions in the branch network through reference to marketing brochures, engaging operations shared services, conducting system tests and staff training and conducting post implementation assessments.
  • Identifies strengths and weaknesses of the business pricing by keeping abreast of market developments and the competitor landscape.
  • Establishes TPL product strategies (for final ratification by Head, PBB Product) appropriate risk appetites, pricing strategies, and portfolio optimisation initiatives within the laid down PBB Product strategy.
  • Supports the growth intentions of PBB through the development and implementation of new products / features / options and service / experience enhancements – with approval from New Products Proposal Committee.
  • Conducts market research (local and international) to inform product / solutions decisions in order to do a business viability study and finalise the product design.
  • Understands and manages key product drivers that influence revenue streams and risk exposure on specific product portfolios.
  • Identifies revenue optimisation initiatives, obtains required sign-offs and coordinates implementation. This can be done through customer insights collected by the team, engagements with segment heads and understanding of current processes and procedures and proposing improvements where necessary.
  • Trains all sales staff on new products approved by the new product committee.
  • Works with marketing and communications team on campaign and go-to market strategies for all TPL products to create awareness in the market.
  • Conducts product insights and analysis by segment per product i.e. current accounts, savings, Fixed Deposits, Call accounts to understand the trends that impact our balance sheet.


  • PBB liabilities balance sheet growth and target achievement.
  • Growth in customer numbers in line with the annual budget.
  • Market share growth in our chosen market segments as per agreed target.
  • Competitive product pricing.
  • Growth in transaction volumes.

Output group 2*

Profitability managementOutputs and measures *

  • Tracks product performance and profitability (financial performance) using financial reports and product performance reports from MI team, proposes and implements decisions on which products to focus on or revamp.
  • Contributes to product budgeting for both Net Interest Margins and Net Interest Revenues by working closely with the Finance manager, Head Products and Segment Heads.
  • Complies with the governance of product pricing by participating in the pricing committee discussions and adhering to the pricing manual.
  • Manages product costs through process rationalisation and building efficiencies through cheaper digital channels.
  • Develops accurate forecasts and outlooks on pricing based on the macro economic trends, performance of the market, customer feedback, etc.
  • Curbs income leakages by reviewing the transactions volume report from MIS, analysing it to check for leakages.
  • Works closely with support functions such as Credit to ensure appropriate policies and limits are in place as well as determining the correct pricing.
  • Develops effective acquisition and retention tactics to achieve profitability targets and share with the sales teams on a regular basis.
  • Analyses market dynamics, pricing trends, market opportunities, operating and sales margins in order to develop reports, procedures and tools for pricing and price discounting.
  • Assesses the impact of pricing changes on the bottom-line as well as on customers and shares report with Head, Products on a quarterly basis
  • Establishes metrics for evaluating the performance of the pricing strategy and implements for use by the liabilities and products team.
  • Validates that the metrics used are aligned with the pricing strategy and goals of PBB Product.
  • Continuously monitors price exceptions to determine whether process or policy adjustments are needed.
  • Monitors the financial results and performance of price strategies within the business segments in order to validate and recommend appropriate pricing strategies for each segment.


  • Product revenues above budget as agreed (net interest income and non-interest income).
  • Lower product cost against revenues from products.
  • Accurate monthly product profitability reports supplied to PBB EXCO.
  • Achievement of economic profit, income statement and balance sheet objectives for the specific product.

Output group 3*

Customer ServiceOutputs and measures *

  • Develops and understands core customer insights through customer visits with Relationship Managers and customer forums organised by the bank.
  • Develops sales / cross-sell tactics aligned to overall customer offerings which are indicated in the customer value propositions per segment.
  • Collaborates with Digital Channels to drive digital agenda for all products to improve on the customer experience.
  • Manages dormancy and attrition trends on liabilities and deriving initiatives to curb the same.
  • Ensures the products are effectively positioned in market, and that the right awareness is created and effectively positioned with the target market.
  • Drives quality service for new and existing clients with an aim to retain and expand the client base by communicating activity plans to service and sales teams that are derived from the CVPs.
  • When required, present to customer-facing staff the rationale for price changes and the introduction of new fees and services.
  • Ensures correct implementation of pricing for all customers, including Franchising and Public Sector entities, as well as key Mid-Corporate customers.
  • Interprets customer, competitor and market segment insights and analytics in order to derive an understanding of customer needs / wants /behaviours to identify opportunities for development of new products.


  • Positive NPS scores as per target.
  • Market share growth across the chosen segments on balance sheet.
  • Growth in customer numbers.

Output group 4

Segment and Branch network supportOutputs and measures

  • Drives the direct sales process to ensure sufficient leads are provided to the outbound call centres and sales teams in PBB.
  • Assists with sales and marketing plans by enhancing and managing the implementation of new opportunities to increase acquisition and retention.
  • Determines and develops product awareness and training (and supplies this as input to Learning and Development) detailing the target market for the products / solutions. Ensures that Channel, Credit and the Specialised Sales teams are adequately trained on the offerings in order to drive the take-up ratio and minimise attrition rate.
  • Engages, builds and manages relationships with key internal and external stakeholders that may influence outcomes on the portfolio. Examples of such internal stakeholders are: Business / Commercial Banking; Segment Heads, Regional managers in customer channels, Credit.
  • Together with the sales team, sets annual targets on the portfolio and aligns all marketing / stakeholder initiatives that are implemented to support such targets.


  • Balance sheet growth and achievement of budget
  • Growth in product profitability
  • Product knowledge for all sellers
  • Positive feedback from customers

Output group 5

Improve efficienciesOutputs and measures

  • Resolves all escalated customer and branch queries timeously.
  • Assists with the resolution of operational issues and functionality problems on the different products.
  • Identifies and resolves issues around pricing and margin management.
  • Evaluates and summarises monthly financial reports highlighting areas of positive performance and focuses on areas of concern or weakness in order to recommend remedial action.
  • Prepares and presents New Products Proposal Committee (NPPC) papers and Credit Risk Management Committee papers to ensure that the correct level of governance and approval is attained through the development phase of any new products
  • Managing credit risk within accepted “risk appetite thresholds” of the portfolio.
  • Accountable for all compliance requirements in the portfolio, as well as the management of key risk indicators used to contain/mitigate operation risks and business continuity management plans.
  • Identifies inherent risks of the portfolio and make recommendations in risk mitigation and / or exit strategies for high risk pockets.
  • Identifies business challenges and drive process efficiencies to improve service delivery and TAT.


  • Efficient End to end processing across all channels
  • Superior Customer service delivery
  • Satisfactory audits
  • Risk managed below the agreed threshold

Output group 6

People managementOutputs and measures

  • Responsible for the recruitment, development and retention of relevant skills in order to meet the business needs.
  • Ensures skill assessments and competency-based training takes place as and when required.
  • Takes personal responsibility for coaching and mentoring others.
  • Ensures the implementation of the leadership promise and employee engagement programme.
  • Develops and maintains an open communication channel with direct reports and supports staff to foster greater co-operation and teamwork.
  • Monitors and manages the performance and development of staff within the area. This includes regular one-on-one feedback sessions, conducting mid-year and final performance appraisals, as well as the moderation and relative distribution of all appraisals for the team.
  • Drives the Talent Review Sessions and succession planning, in conjunction with Human Capital.
  • Ensures staff are appropriately and consistently rewarded and recognised for their achievements and outputs.
  • Ensures that disciplinary action and grievances are addressed and aligned to the policies and procedures.


  • Staff engagement score >80%
  • Approved talent and succession plans
  • Execution of talent plans for all staff
  • Implementation of PDPs for staff
  • Connect score >80%

Preferred Qualification and Experience

Formal minimum qualification 1*

Type of qualification: First Degree

Field of study: Finance and AccountingOther qualifications, certifications or professional memberships


Knowledge/Technical Skills/Expertise

Technical competency 1

Competency Label: Customer Understanding

Competency Description: The ability to analyse customer needs by engaging with them, analysing their personal financial objectives as well as their current financial position.

Proficiency Level: ADVANCED – Mastered the concept, able to act independently, provides guidance and training to othersTechnical

competency 2

Competency Label: Product Knowledge

Competency Description: Knowledge and understanding of the features, benefits and pricing of the products and services on offer to personal banking customers across multiple customer segments.

Proficiency Level: EXPERT – Provides leadership in this field both within the organisation and in the larger industryTechnical

competency 3

Competency Label: Copy from Technical Competency Library

Competency Description: Copy from Technical Competency Library

Proficiency Level: EXPERT – Provides leadership in this field both within the organisation and in the larger industryTechnical

competency 4

Competency Label: Copy from Technical Competency Library

Competency Description: Copy from Technical Competency Library

Proficiency Level: ADVANCED – Mastered the concept, able to act independently, provides guidance and training to othersTechnical competency 5

Competency Label: Copy from Technical Competency Library

Competency Description: Copy from Technical Competency Library

Proficiency Level: Choose an item.Technical competency 6

Competency Label: Copy from Technical Competency Library

Competency Description: Copy from Technical Competency Library

Proficiency Level: Choose an item.

Method of Application

Submit your CV and Application on Company Website : Click Here

Closing Date : 22nd April, 2020