UNEB UACE 2023/2024 (S.6) Examinations Timetable Finally Out

Uneb has released the examination timetable for candidate classes
- 612/2 & 3 to be issued at 12.00 noon.
In 840/2 Computer Studies, the 21⁄2 hours include the time for printing out the candidate’s work. No further printing shall be done after the stipulated time.
- Ease yourself before entering the examination room. No candidate will be allowed to leave the examination room before the end of the examination time.
- Be at the examination hall by 8.30 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. ready to be identified and checked.
- Any candidate who comes more than 15 minutes late from the start of an examination will not be allowed to sit the examination.
- Present yourself at the entrance to the examination hall for checking by the chief invigilator/invigilators. They have been instructed to check you thoroughly, including your pockets, shoes and body.
- Do not indulge in any form of examination malpractice. Do not smuggle unauthorized materials e.g. notes, textbooks, etc. into the examination rooms; do not write on your body, clothes, mathematical sets or calculators.
- At the start of each examination, make sure you (or candidate representatives) examine the examination question paper envelope(s) to find out whether it/is/is intact or already opened. If the envelope(s) is/are opened outside the examination room, then report immediately to the Executive Director UNEB, PO Box 7066 Kampala, E-mail:uneb@uneb.ac.ug or unebsecretariat@gmail.com
- Follow the examination paper rubric and the instructions on the front page of the answer booklet. Do not use pencils to write answers except when drawing diagrams and graphs. Answers written in pencil will NOT BE MARKED. Do not answer more questions than asked for in the rubric. The examiners will not mark answers to the extra questions.
- Write your correct names, numbers and signatures on your answer booklets for all the papers you take. These must be the same as those that you declared at registration. Candidates with differing names in any of their papers will not get results.
- Sit only the examination papers you have registered for. No results will be issued for papers you have not registered for.
- Sit the examination only at the centre/school where you have been registered to take it.
- Do not go out before or immediately at the end of each examination. Witness the checking and sealing of the scripts first.
- No separate paper will be provided for rough work.
- Leave used or unused answer booklet(s) inside the examination room.
- Mobile phones are not allowed in or around the examination room.
- Sharing of calculators, mathematical tables, rulers, pens, etc. is not permitted during the examination.
Breach of instructions/regulations, irregularity, misconduct or dishonesty (cheating) in connection with UNEB examinations may lead to disqualification or cancellation of results of a candidate or of all candidates at a centre.
Any candidate found involving himself/herself in malpractice in the examination may be refused to continue with his/her examination, arrested and handed over to the Police. Such a candidate may be barred from sitting any other UNEB examinations.
Where malpractice is suspected, candidates and all concerned will be summoned to appear before the Board. The following are cases of malpractice that will lead to disqualification, cancellation of results or arrest of a candidate:
1. Smuggling of unauthorized material into the examination room.
2.Copying from one another (collusion), or leaving work exposed such that another candidate can copy from.
3.External assistance given by teachers and/or any other persons.
4.Prior knowledge of examination questions, or confidential advance instructions.
Impersonation, i.e. hiring somebody else to sit the examination or where another person rather than the duly registered candidate sits the examination.
5.Improper behaviour, e.g. making noise, disobeying the invigilators, violent behavior such as attacking or threatening invigilators, disrupting the examination etc.
6.Substitution of examination scripts during or after the examination.
7.Irregularity e.g. taking longer time than that stipulated on the question paper to sit an examination or one candidate using different names.
8.Tearing the answer booklet/script into loose sheets, tearing out any pages of the script or folding the script in anyway.
9.Being in possession of a mobile phone or any other communication gadgets during the examination.
10. Being in possession of books or revision notes while in confinement before Science practicals.
11. Marking one’s own work during the examination:
12. Submitting two answer scripts by the same candidate.
13. Any other cases of malpractice that shall be detected.
Candidates should report directly to the Board any person (could be another candidate, Invigilator, Teacher or Headteacher) suspected to be indulging in examination malpractice. Use the address: Executive Director UNEB, P. O. Box 7066, Kampala.
E-mail: uneb@uneb.ac.ug or unebsecretariat@gmail.com
The Board reserves the right to declare publicly the names of centres, candidates or anyone else who will have involved themselves in examination malpractice.
You will be able to access your examination results on a mobile phone as soon as they are released by sending a well-formatted SMS as follows: Type “UACE”, leave a space, then type your index number and send to 6600 on networks as will be specified by the Board at the time of release of results. There should be no spaces in the index number. For example, UACE U0127/632

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