By | November 26, 2019

A medical school is a tertiary educational institution, or part of such an institution, that teaches medicine, and awards a professional degree for physicians and surgeons. Such medical degrees include the Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS, MBChB, BMBS), Doctor of Medicine (MD), or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO). Many medical schools offer additional degrees, such as a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), a Master’s degree (M.Sc), a physician assistant program, or other post-secondary education.

Below is the list of Top Medical School in Uganda

Uganda Christian University UCU School of Medicine

Mbarara University of Science and Technology Faculty of Medicine

St. Augustine international University College of Medicine Health and Life Science

Uganda Martyrs University Medical School Nsambya

Kabale University School of Medicine

Kyambogo University Medical Center

Kampala School of Health Sciences

Mildmay Uganda Institute of Health Sciences

What types of medical schools are there?

Two types of medical schools exist Allopathic Medical Schools and Osteopathic Medical Schools. Allopathic medical schools confer an M.D. degree and Osteopathic medical schools confer a D.O. degree. Both schools train their students to become fully licensed to practice medicine and prescribe medications.

Are you a doctor after med school?

Medical Students

They are not referred to as a doctor or physician until they graduate from medical school. Once they graduate, they are called a physician even though their training is not complete and they will continue to learn from experienced physicians for several years before practicing independently.

What does medical school teach you?

The first two years of medical school are a mixture of classroom and lab time. Students take classes in basic sciences, such as anatomy, biochemistry, microbiology, pathology, and pharmacology. They also learn the basics of interviewing and examining a patient.

What GPA do you need to get into med school

However, you probably need at least a 3.5 GPA to be competitive for most (if not all) medical schools. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, only 40% of all applicants who have a GPA between 3.4 and 3.6 get accepted into a medical school.

Do you get paid during medical school?

You don’t get paid during med school and most people do not work because you have to learn the material. However, most schools let you borrow up to $25,000/year to cover the cost of living. You do get paid, but it is around 50,000/year and you work long hours.

Is med school difficult?

The sheer amount of knowledge required for medicine is difficult, but just getting into school can be even harder. Medical school acceptance rates are extremely low. Medical schools want the most academically competitive students. That is what makes admissions so difficult.

What is a medical residency?

Residency is a stage of graduate medical education. In many jurisdictions, successful completion of such training is a requirement in order to obtain an unrestricted license to practice medicine.

Medical residency is a minimum of three years for primary care physicians and some other specialties, up to five years for some surgical specialties. (Some medical specialties require additional years of fellowship training in addition to the three to five years of residency training.)
